“I think that the UK and Europe will be exciting market opportunities for these new products with the
increasing pressures to review and modify budgets downwards. As in the U.S., many local government budgets here face significant and mounting pressures.”
Sir Anthony Jolliffe GBE Former Lord Mayor London, England
"When cities, counties, or state governments set out to buy vehicles, including police cars or fire trucks, they sometimes are offered the opportunity or are required to purchase from
pre-negotiated local contracts. These often do not work as well for some entities as that promised by DEPO's new service, which allows each entity to
maintain its own product specs. This is critical since one entity's needs almost are never exactly the same as those of its neighbor." Chuck Anderson Executive Director Michigan Education Assn; former Dallas City Manager, Executive Director of Dallas Area Rapid Transit
"DEPO's services offer new tools to cities and other governmental agencies, providing opportunities for
reducing costs of purchasing capital equipment." George R. Schrader Former City Manager City of Dallas, TX Former Pres, International City/County Managers Assn (ICMA)