Demand Pooling

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“I think that the UK and Europe will be exciting market opportunities for these new products..."

Sir Anthony Jolliffe GBE Former Lord Mayor,
London, England

"...States and Local governments should establish multi-state...purchasing consortia..."

Dept of Homeland Security Taskforce on State and Local Gvt Homeland Security Funding, June 2004

Supplier Registration
Welcome to the Supplier Registration
* required fields
Federal Tax ID: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Retype Email Address: *
Password (min of 6 chars): *
Confirm Password: *
Company: *
Website URL:
Address1: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code:*
Country: *
Province: *
Title or Position:
Phone: *
Alternate Phone: 
Primary Job Responsibility: *
Preferred Language:
Is your firm registered as a WBE/MBE? Yes     No
Type of products your Company manufactures and/or sells: *
(To choose more than one selection, Press and Hold Crtl Key)

Other Specify:
Locations of production and/or service facilities, if any:
Current Annual Revenue:
Number of employees
(domestic / worldwide):
A/P Contact Name: *
A/P Phone: *
DUNS: (Numeric 9 digits)
S&P, or other rating, if known:

Other Specify:

12655 North Central Expressway Suite 910 | Dallas, TX 75243 | 972-388-1950
Demand Pooling Global Services, LLC ©2019-2020 All Rights Reserved